Board of Directors
January 28, 7 p.m.
Architectural Review Board
January 21, 7 p.m.
Landscaping Committee No meetings until March Pool Committee No meetings until March
All meetings will be held virtually with links provided to access the meetings available via
Pond Closures
Work on the SWMP Pond Project, as required by the Commonwealth of Virginia, is scheduled to begin the next phase of work during the week of December 14-18. This phase will include complete closure of the path from Fox Chase to Exeter parallel to Route 15 Bypass. During this phase, trees will be removed and mulched in preparation for construction along the berm.
December Meeting Summary The following select actions were taken at the latest meeting. Full minutes are available here.
Recent improvements were made to the monuments following the tornado damage.
Two Board positions are currently vacant.
A tree removal and fence removal contract was approved. Work was expected to begin the week of Dec. 14. The pond pathway will be closed during this time.
The Board discussed the SWMP Pond Project timelines and costs with the General Construction Manager. Work is expected to be finalize by mid-summer 2021.
The Board issued a directive to follow up on complaints of homeowner violations.
Governing Documents Update
Recognizing the challenges that COVID-19 has presented to the Governing Documents Update proposal, namely being able to discuss and collect ballots in person, the Board of Directors have decided to pause active efforts for the next few months. The Board hopes to put together an active committee who are able to help recruit volunteers, discuss the issues, and collect ballots. The effort will be reexamined in Spring 2021.
Monthly Minutes In accordance with emergency legislation allowing Homeowners Associations to suspend the need for in-person meetings during a state-of-emergency, and given the nature of the emergency that makes it impracticable and unsafe to assemble in a single location at this time, all Board meetings were held electronically and notification was provided by email. As such, the records and minutes of those meetings are available at the following link: